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Địa chỉ: 307 Phạm Văn Bạch, Phường 15, Q.Tân Bình, TP.HCM

Liên hệ: (028) 6287 4765 - (028) 6287 4769 - 0913 765 645 - 0984 677 378

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Mettler Toledo is a manufacturer from Switzerland. Specialized in providing solutions:

R&D Lab

Mettler Toledo instruments are the foundation of research and quality control laboratories worldwide. Highly efficient weighing solutions provide the basis for reliable R&D results. Pipette applications in life sciences, thermal analyzers in research to improve materials and thermal properties of materials, Automated chemical solutions accelerate new chemical development.

Quality Control Lab

Quality control is based on fast and accurate analytical measurement and good data management. Analytical balances, titrations, pH meters, hydrometers, refractometers, melting point meters and pipettes can be customized to each customer’s application and provide workflows. fully stocked for all quality control laboratories.

Scale and Production

Our sensors are commonly used in measuring important liquid analytical parameters such as pH, oxygen concentration, water conductivity and resistance as well as electrical resistance. Total organic carbon enables pharmaceutical, biotech and other companies to continuously ensure product quality and meet regulatory standards. Displays with connectivity options make data acquisition and control system integration flexible and efficient.

Manufacturing and Filling

Mettler offers industrial scales of all sizes and formats, terminals and software to control and monitor production processes. Expert applications for formulating, counting, and more to improve production and reduce errors.


Product inspection solution that helps protect product quality, safety, and integrity both internally and externally. Mettler Toledo metal detection, checkweigher, x-ray inspection and visual inspection systems build confidence that product quality is maintained, compliance targets are met. Comply with industry standards, protect customers and brands.


Vehicle weighing systems provide the highest level of accuracy and can prevent unwanted production downtime thanks to their unique design and remote predictability . For express vehicles, dynamic weighing, dimensioning and identification software solutions increase productivity and provide sales recovery opportunities.


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