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Arrange the electrical conductivity of metals in descending order

Tuesday, 12 Jul, 2022

Metal Conductivity Which is the best, the worst? Don’t ignore Hiep Phat’s article below to find out the answer.


Why can metals conduct electricity well?

conductivity of metal


The atoms in the metal form a matrix through which the outer electrons can easily move freely. Instead of orbiting their respective atoms, they form a sea of ​​electrons around the positive nuclei of interacting metal ions, which then move freely throughout the sea of ​​electrons. This makes conductivity in metals very good.

Factors affecting electrical conductivity of metals


The electrical conductivity of metals is influenced by several factors:


– Temperature: The higher the temperature, the lower the conductivity of the metal because when connected to a power source, the free electrons are turbulent motion will move into a stream. As the temperature increases, the vibration of the cations increases and hinders the movement of free electrons in the metal.
– Impurities: The more impurities are added, the less conductive the metal becomes.

Each metal has a different conductivity, mainly because their free electron density is not the same.


Sort order of conductivity of metals


Silver (Ag)

conductivity of silver

Silver is at the top of the list of metals with the best electrical conductivity. 


Silver features: Soft, malleable, easy to change shape, white in color, very good conductor of electricity.


Important use of silver in life: 


Since ancient times, silver has been used to mint coins.

Currently, silver has many uses such as: mirror coating, jewelry making, files, welding rods… 

Silver cons: They are very expensive nowadays. Therefore, people often do not use silver as a conductor like other metals.


Copper (Cu)

độ dẫn điện của đồng


Copper is the second most conductive metal on the list.


Features of copper metal: Able to conduct electricity and heat well. It is a metal with quite malleable properties, appearing very early in nature and being exploited and used by humans in its primitive form.


Uses of copper metal: 


Since ancient times, copper metallurgy is not only a cultural feature, creating valuable relics but also a popular profession. , creating jobs for many people.
Currently, they are used as good conductors of electricity and heat. Therefore, they are used to create electrical wires, casting statues, magnetic coils of electromagnets, electric motors… There are many household items as well as handicrafts produced from copper, such as: dishes. , cowards or worshipers…


Gold (Au)

conductivity of gold


Gold is a metal that, in addition to good electrical and thermal conductivity, is also very difficult to oxidize and has high corrosion resistance.


What is the role of gold?
Pure gold is soft, so it will help harden alloys with silver and copper.

Heavily used for jewelry, metalworking and currency exchange. In essence, they are very expensive, so people will often use them in jewelry making.


Aluminum (Al)

độ dẫn điện của nhôm


Aluminum ranks 4th among the best conductive metals.


Aluminium’s characteristics: It is a ductile metal, easy to melt at high temperatures and also has good corrosion resistance.


What is the application of aluminum?


They are important in the aerospace, structural materials industries.

Important application for building partitions, making corrugated iron for roofing, columns as well as pillars…</span >
Contribute to help in the fabrication of parts in transportation and water treatment vehicles, construction as well as durable consumer goods: kitchenware, pajamas, machinery, power transmission lines…

Sodium (Na)

độ dẫn điện của natri


Sodium is a metal with the following outstanding characteristics: soft, silvery color, but when oxidized, it turns grayish white.


Important uses of sodium: 


They are important ingredients in the production of esters and organic compounds.

Most commonly, this is a component of NaCl table salt, making soap, helping to smooth the surface of metals and purify the metals. molten metal, making steam lamps.

In atomic reactions, sodium is the liquid that conducts furnace heat.


Wolfram (W)

độ dẫn điện của Wolfram

If counting from metal W, the metals will have a decreasing ability to conduct electricity. This is a metal with characteristic characteristics such as: hard, brittle, heavy and has excellent resistance to acids, alkalis as well as oxidation.


Wolfram has important applications in various fields: 


Pure Wolfram form is most commonly used in the electrical industry, the most familiar being that they are used mainly as filaments for electric light bulbs and plates. electronic bombardment.

Volfram is inert and conducts electricity quite well, so it is also used to make microscopes and electrodes.


Brass (CuZn37)

conductivity of brass


Looking at the chemical formula we can also guess, brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, but brass has the ability conducts electricity less than copper.


Application of brass: 


Because they have beautiful natural colors, they are widely used to make low value jewelry.

In addition, they are also used in many fields of welding materials, used as musical instruments or decorative arts.


Iron (Fe)

conductivity of iron

Iron is an extremely common metal in each of our lives, with specific characteristics: hard, strong and has allotropic properties.


Important applications of iron in today’s life: 


Up to the present time, iron is the most used metal in life, diverse in fields: making hoes, shovels, sticks, making household items (tables, cabinets, beds, stairs…).


Important role in the automotive industry and architectural construction: Creating rigidity and strength for buildings and structures product.


Chromium (Cr)

độ dẫn điện của crom

Chromium is a metal with the following characteristics: high scratch resistance, brittle, hard and difficult to melt.


Important uses to list for chromium metal: 


Is one of the indispensable catalysts of industries such as: polishing surfaces, creating rust-free knives and scissors , or create brilliant colors for paints, dyes, and molds for baked bricks.

In addition, they are also an auxiliary to diet pills, or an important additive to gasoline fuels.


Lead (Pb)

conductivity of lead

Lead is a soft but extremely heavy metal. They are very toxic, so they affect the health of humans as well as animals.


Application of lead metal: 


They have an important role in industries, are important components for making batteries.

Used as a shield for radioactive substances in the radioactive industry and especially, often using PVC.


Note: Because lead contains a large amount of toxins, cosmetic products that require long-lasting hold (lipstick, chalk) often contain Lots of lead to increase the color’s longevity. Therefore, if we abuse them, it will immediately lead to poisoning, affect nerves and even cause cancer when used for a long time.


The above is an article about the electrical conductivity of metals, as well as the 10 best conductive metals today.

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