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What is electrical conductivity? Some popular water conductivity meters

Tuesday, 12 Jul, 2022

Besides pH, conductivity is also one of the important indicators. when testing an environment. For each environment, the conductivity index will be different. The following article will help you better understand this concept and how to properly measure the conductivity of water.


What is electrical conductivity? 

độ dẫn điện là gì


Conductivity in a solution is the ability of that solution to conduct electricity over a certain distance, the unit of conductivity is Siemens/cm. In solution, substances with strong electrolytes will be more conductive, such as NaCl salts. It is these Na+, Cl- ions that make the solution highly conductive.


This is a parameter that represents the level of current transmission, which is also the ability of a substance to conduct electricity. It depends on charged particles, also known as ions. These ions can carry a negative (-) or positive (+) charge.


What is the conductivity of water? 


độ dẫn của nước


Electrical conductivity of water is the ability of water to conduct electric current. This quantity is measured in µS/cm and mS/cm. EC conductance has a direct, close relationship with the total dissolved solids TDS in water. Salts when dissolved in water will form ions with a negative (-) or positive (+) charge, which affects the EC of the water.


Why test conductivity in water


Measuring EC conductivity of water will help us:


Determines total dissolved solids TDS, also known as mineralization. TDS also indirectly helps you control hardness, turbidity (or purity of water).


Controlling water quality as well as its abnormal variation to determine the type and quantity of chemical reagents or substances Necessary treatment to renovate, adjust and ensure that the water source conditions are standard according to the wishes and needs.


Measuring EC also helps you detect leaks in your water system, assisting with water quality monitoring and testing.


Besides, this quantity also indirectly helps you determine air quality (air purity) through measurement. EC in rainwater.


Types of water sources to be tested for conductivity


– Water sources that need regular EC testing are: drinking water, domestic water, water in ponds and ponds for shrimp and fish farming,

– The activity that needs to regularly measure the conductivity of water is the production and treatment of water and wastewater

– Some industries also need to measure EC of water: chemicals,…


Conductivity Factors 


– Concentration and number of charges: the electrical conductivity of water is proportional to the concentration of electrical charges present in the water.

– Movement (mobility) of ions.

– Water temperature: the higher the temperature of the water, the faster the ions move, leading to an increase in the EC of the water< /span>

– Oxidation – reduction state of water.

– Concentration of dissolved salts in water: conductivity is also proportional to the TDS index.


Here is the domestic ec index, you can refer to:

Water type EC degree (µS / cm)
Pure water  0,055
Water  0,5
Rain water  5 – 30
Clean water  500 – 1000
Groundwater  30-2000
Industrial wastewater ≥ 5000
Seawater  54.000
Concentrated Acid and Base Water  up to 1.000.000


Method for measuring EC of water


Use contact electrode


Sử dụng điện cực tiếp xúc


The kit measures the EC of the solution through an internally connected analyzer with a cable to the probe immersed in the solution. This probe is designed to integrate with the temperature sensor and two electrodes in contact with the solution. The wire around the analyzer will be applied with a potential in between the two electrode plates. The magnitude of the current generated will be linearly correlated with the conductivity of the solution itself.


However, the limitation of this method is that the conductivity measurement system is only accurate when well compensated for temperature. This requires the user to accurately measure the temperature when setting up the device with manual temperature compensation.


Measure EC using a water conductivity meter


use conductivity meter


A conductivity meter is a type of water analyzer, specifically designed so that users can make quick and accurate measurements of their values. EC value of the solution. 


The meter has electrodes with a special design and uses the method of measuring the potential difference between the two electrodes of the meter to measure the EC of the solution. Depending on the nature of the job, you can use pen, hand-held or table-type meters to ensure the best fit and get the best measurement results.

Where is the best place to buy a conductivity meter?


Hiep Phat Equipment Co., Ltd is proud to be a supplier of electrodes and high conductivity meters. grade, genuine. The product lines of electrodes and EC meters at Hiep Phat are imported from reputable manufacturers with many years of experience, meeting the needs of customers. If customers have any questions about the concept of conductivity as well as want to buy conductivity meters, do not hesitate to contact Hiep Phat via Hotline: (028) 6287 4765</ strong> or Email: to receive timely advice.

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